The fishing districts list

Fly fishing districts,opened from 2015-03-01

The creek Bistrica (from the bridge on the road Šmartno-Trije kralji to its outflow into the Ložnica) The creek Lipnica
The creek Ložnica (from the bridge in Vinar to the bridge on the local road Spodnja Ložnica-Zgornja Ložnica) The creek Ložnica (from the outflow of the Hotinjščica to the bridge in Arja vas)
The creek Polskava (from the confluence of the Mala Polskava to the bridge on the road Slovenska Bistrica-Pragersko) The creek Želimeljščica
The district Mali graben The lake Planšarsko jezero
The lake Črno jezero The river Bistrica (from the spring to the outflow into the Sotla)
The river Bregana( from the village of Grdanjci to the border checkpoint Slovenska vas) The river Drava ( from Mariborski otok to the dam in Melje )
The river Drava ( from the bridge in Malečnik to the cable ferry) The river Dravinja (from the confluence with the Srednja Dravinja to the bridge in Loče)
The river Dreta ( from the spring to the confluence with the Savinja in Nazarje) The river Hudinja (from the dam in Višnja vas to the road bridge to Polže)
The river Hudinja (from the road bridge to Polže to the mill above Vitanje) The river Kamniška Bistrica (from the dam near Homec to the outflow into the Sava)
The river Meža ( from Mežica to Prevalje) The river Meža ( Trophy district, from Ravne to the place where the Meža flows into the Mislinja)
The river Meža (from Prevalje to Ravne na Koroškem) The river Meža (from the spring to Mežica)
The river Mislinja ( from the bridge in Bukovska vas to the outflow into the Meža ) The river Mislinja ( from the bridge in Šmartno near Slovenj Gradec to the bridge in Bukovska vas )
The river Mislinja ( from the spring to the bridge in Šmartno near Slovenj Gradec) The river Oplotniščica (Oplotnica) (from the bridge in Oplotnica to the bridge in Tepanje)
The river Oplotniščica (Oplotnica) (from the bridge in Tepanje to the outflow into the Dravinja) The river Oplotniščica (Oplotnica) (from the confluence with the Črnava to the bridge on the road Oplotnica-Slovenske Konjice)
The river Pesnica with tributaries The river Reka
The river Rižana The river Sava (from Rakovnik to the little stream just before the outflow of the Tržiška Bistrica
The river Sava (from the dam Majdičev jez to the barrier of the HEP Mavčiče,the lake Trbojsko jezero), and the river Kokra ( from the HEP Standard to the confluence with the Sava The river Sava (from the outflow of the Tržiška Bistrica to the dam at Tekstilindus (Aquasava), including the Majdič's channel).
The river Sava(from Cajhnov's dam to Rakovnik) The river Savinja ( from Grušovlje to Letuš)
The river Savinja (from the bridge in Letuš to the outflow of the Bolska into the Savinja) The river Savinja (from the outflow of the Bolska to the bridge in Kasaze), the channel Podvinska struga (from the pumping station in Vrbje to its outflow)
The river Suhodolnica