ADDRESS | Notranjska cesta 56, 1380 Cerknica |
PHONE | +386 31 819 926 | | |
WORKING HOURS | Od jan. do mar. vsako 1. in 3. sredo v mesecu, od apr. dalje vsako 1. sredo od 18:00 do 19:00 |
The fishing family Cerknica is an association or a non-profit organization that brings together nature lovers and fishing. It was established on 1 July 1956 in Cerknica in order to save the fish from dying due to drying up of the lake Cerkniško jezero. The association operates in the public interest and currently has a total of 130 members, of which 30 young fishermen. This fishing family manages sports - fishing district Cerkniško jezero (western part) and the districts Cerkniščica, Rak at Rakov Škocjan and the lake Bloško jezero.