Akumulacija Moste (B) logo Fishing family

The river Sava Dolinka - trophy district Moste

(from the confluence of the Sava Dolinka and the creek Javornik to the barrier of the power plant in Moste)

Fishing family Jesenice

  • Possibility of fishing brown trout, european chub, grayling, lake trout, rainbow trout
  • Type of fishing fly fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial fly
  • Type of water running water
Dolska mlinščica logo Fishing family

The creek Dolska Mlinščica

(from the reservoir in Ihan to the outflow into the Sava)

Fishing family Bistrica Domžale

  • Possibility of fishing brown trout, common carp, common nase, european chub, grayling, pike, rainbow trout
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, artificial fly, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water running water
Gameljščica-ribniki logo Fishing family

The ponds of the RD Straža-Sava

Fishing family Straža-Sava

  • Possibility of fishing barbel, common carp, common nase, danube roach, european chub, perch, tench
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing
  • Allowed baits baits of plant origin
  • Type of water standing water
Kamniška Bistrica 4 logo Fishing family

The river Kamniška Bistrica 4

(from the dam near Homec to the outflow into the Sava)

Fishing family Bistrica Domžale

  • Possibility of fishing barbel, brown trout, common nase, european chub, grayling, huchen, rainbow trout
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, artificial fly, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin, streamer
  • Type of water running water
Krka 6 logo Fishing family

The river Krka

( from the outflow of the creek Sušica in Podbočje to the Krka's outflow into the Sava just before Čatež)

Fishing family Brežice

  • Possibility of fishing barbel, bleak, catfish, common carp, common nase, danube roach, european chub, pike, roach, tench, vimba bream
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water running water
Ljubljanica 47A logo Fishing family

The river Ljubljanica

( from the dam at the paper factory Papirnica Vevče to its outflow into the Sava, backwater Krnica)

Fishing family Vevče

  • Possibility of fishing barbel, bleak, brown trout, catfish, common bream, common carp, common nase, danube roach, european chub, grass carp, grayling, huchen, pike, rainbow trout, tench, vimba bream, zander
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, artificial fly, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin, streamer
  • Type of water running water
Mirna izliv logo Fishing family

The river Mirna

( from the road bridge at the sawmill in Dolenji Boštanj to the outflow into the Sava)

Fishing family Sevnica

  • Possibility of fishing barbel, bleak, brown trout, catfish, common bream, common carp, common nase, common rudd, crucian carp, danube roach, european chub, gibel carp, hybrids, ide, perch, pike, rainbow trout, roach, vimba bream, zander
  • Type of fishing boat angling, bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing, spin fishing with bubble float
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water running water
Mrtvica Ribče-Sava logo Fishing family

The oxbow lake Ribče - Sava

(from Ribče to the Sava)

Fishing family Zavod za ribištvo Slovenije

  • Possibility of fishing common carp, common nase, danube roach, european chub, pike, rainbow trout, tench
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water standing water
Revir R1 logo Fishing family

The river Sava

(from the bridge in Verje to the bridge between Brod and Tacen; the river Sora from the dam in Medvode to its outflow into the Sava).

Fishing family Medvode

  • Possibility of fishing barbel, bleak, brown trout, common nase, danube roach, european chub, grayling, rainbow trout, silver bream
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial fly, baits of plant origin, bread, cheese, streamer
  • Type of water running water